Thursday, April 29, 2021

Esquel signs the Women’s Empowerment Principles

Esquel Group is now listed on the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) website as a signatory, among seven other companies from Hong Kong (as of April 2021). The group signed the WEPs at the end of last year, in a pivotal step towards the promotion of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, in line with the Group’s commitment in that area.

Established by UN Women and the UN Global Compact (UNGC), WEPs are a set of seven principles providing guidance for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace. Esquel supported the WEPs following a joint campaign launched by UN Woman and China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), through which top executives from over 90 textile and apparel companies in China signed The CEO Statement of Support for the WEPs, pledging c-suite support to gender inclusion and diversity at work.

Becoming a signatory to the WEPs not only solidifies Esquel’s determination towards women’s empowerment practices within the Company but conveys its enduring belief in diversity and inclusion as an integral part of Esquel’s people-centric culture. Over the years, the Group has made continuous efforts facilitating female employees to upskill, transform themselves, and lead. One of the more recent initiatives includes the participation of an Esquel Vietnam site in the GEAR (Gender Equality and Returns) program, which equips female employees with the skills required to advance their careers by providing training for manufacturing and processing, quality control and lean management, among other areas.

By joining the WEPs community, Esquel intends to enhance its sustained work in advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and driving positive social changes as a member of the community.

The seven Women’s Empowerment Principles:

1. High-Level Corporate Leadership
2. Treat all Women and Men Fairly at Work without Discrimination
3. Employee Health, Well-Being and Safety
4. Education and Training for Career Advancement
5. Enterprise Development, Supply Chain and Marketing Practices
6. Community Initiatives and Advocacy
7. Measurement and Reporting